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Old 11-29-2007, 11:28 PM
valenzuela valenzuela is offline
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Default Re: Why Im no longer an ACist

AlexM, perhaps my example was way too far-fetched, anyway the point I want to make is that youre definiton of slavery is inadequate. The fact that you think that someone that lives on spacious house, a confortable car and a 9-5 job he enjoys is a slave just because he has to pay income tax says a lot about your worldview.

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What it says about my worldview isn't terribly relevant. Stop enslaving me.

Also, few people enjoy their jobs...

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Alex, we have axiomatic differences you think freedom means not being incomed tax on youre property I think freedom means being able to do what you want, I want a system that gives the most freedom to everybody( not only those who got lucky in the natural lottery and have meaningful property)I recognize that property rights and proper incentives are needed in order to improve freedom for everybody, however if we give too much emphasis on economic freedom then we are worse off on actual freedom.

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I think freedom means the Sweedish bikinni team craving to lick my nuts, begging for my permission.

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What is your point?
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