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Old 12-01-2007, 05:20 PM
NinaWilliams NinaWilliams is offline
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Default Re: General Questions regarding preflop play / leaks

1) Rarely. Good spots to cold call are like you have QJs OTB, its raised in mp and 2 callers. Or KQs vs an EP raise when you can expect a lot of callers. I cant think of a spot where I would cold call and offsuit hand.

2) Big leaks that I see are missing easy value bets, paying off in spots where you're almost never good, folding too much in big pots, and conversely calling too much in small pots. Cold calling too much is the most common one I see though.

3) Small leaks are stuff like not being trappy enough in small limped pots, underdefending your bb vs a loose stealer, not 3 betting light enough vs late position raisers(I guess this goes with cold calling too much).

4) Making thin/good value bets is extremely important. Thin value bet spots come up very often and missing them will cost you severly. Situations where players arent maximizing their winrate are not being aggressive enough in big pots, not playing back at loose stealers with a wide enough range.
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