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Old 02-27-2007, 12:48 AM
chim17 chim17 is offline
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Default Trip report: Gambling, old chick, and coke

Mods can move this if you want but I hinted at some of this in pog chat the last few days and I don't post in OOT or anything.

So my boy and I went up to Blackhawk the other day.. its a town that has casinos up the hill here in Colorado. We got two rooms comped from a previous visit for playing 10 dollars in slots so took few days off work to roll up there.

Now Colorado is not a very balla gambling town. Max bet here is 5 dollars. That means all Blackjack is 5 max 5 min, table games are illegal, and poker games are all either 2-5 spread or 5-5 (5-5 has two five dollar blinds, 2-5 has one two dollar blind). Most poker related info is worthless but there is one real good game which is a 5-5 dealer choice game. It will often be capped 5-10 ways preflop. The games are Omaha, Crazy Pineapple, and Pineapple all played hi or lo depending on dealer disctinction. This basically becomes an o8 game where people play real bad. The funny part is the collection of players in this game are good hold em players. They regularly crush the tournaments and 5-5 hold em games but come to this game to play bad. So me and my boy spent most of the time in this game when it was running. This is the only game I did well in winning about 1,000 all said and done (200 bets), and lost like 3 racks playing 2-5, hold em was not kind to me.

Anyways, the only real interesting poker hand that happened was a hand of crazy pineapple hi/lo. In the hand was the best player, Jamal, and 2 other people on the turn. The board was 46AQ with two clubs on it. Pot was probably 70-80 bets or so on the turn total. The river is a worthless card, like a 9. Jamal checks and the two players bet and raise. He starts laughing and tells the players they both have 23 and are being quartered so he raises. They both call and show 23. He wins the hi half of the pot with 7 hi. It was a hilarious hand, and goes to show about that game.

Poker was as interesting as it can be at those limits, but boring as hell and only fun in that choice game. So I go play some blackjack making real bad bets on this string blackjack deal because that way you can get 25 on the table and not 5. Break about even for half hour and this lady sits down at the table. She is older (I am 25).. I later learn she was 46. She starts coming onto me something fierce. She is clearly drunk out of her mind but really hot, especially for her age. Real good body. I decide what the hell, last night here lets try to lay the old chick. She leaves the table and I follow her to the bar. Start talking, drinking, dancing and I tell her we should go to this otehr hotel to play blackjack (my room is at that hotel). She obliges and we start walking back. She tells me that she has to stop by this other casino real quick and I say fine even though I'm getting impatient and my buddy is about to start that choice game so I wanna make this quick and get into that game. She walks up and says "Oh there he is, my boyfriend". YOUR BOYFRIEND? Christ, what a waste of time. She grabs my hand and leads me up to him. This, rather large, dude gives me a pretty pissed off look as I walk up with his girls hand in mine. I say screw it I'll go play the choice game and bid them adieu.

I walk the wrong way as I just wanted to leave the situation so turn around and head back to the choice game casino. I see him walking out of their hotel and he makes a direct turn right to me. At this point thoughts are racing through my head about what this dude will want. He comes up to me and says something along the lines of "Hey man, as you can see my girl is drunk, I need to go to the Gilpin to cash some checks.. can you take care of her for a bit and get her back to the Ameristar bar?" I kinda stammer a bit and he says "Please man.. she is headed up to the room now, here is how to find her". Now, I was not really sure how to react but said screw it lets roll. I rush up to the front desk of the room area.. there she is stumbling towards her room. I catch up to her, tell her what he told me and follow her to the room. As soon as we get in there she says she has to go to the restroom and to wait outside in the bedroom area. I'm chilling there for what seems like an hour (I will explain why it was an hour after) and she comes out and throws herself at me. Now, under normal circumstances I just get to business here but I was concerned with her boyfriend since I am in there room. The way I see it there are two things he was doing since he knew where this would lead. Option 1 is he just wanted to ditch her awhile to go gamble and knew I'd hit it and take up some time. Option 2 is that he wanted to see what I was up to and was coming back to beat the hell out of me while I was with his girl. I had about 1k on me and was concerned with this option so tried to persuade her to go back to my room instead of here. She wasn't having it and was pressuring me there. Finally after some resistance I get her to leave and go back to my room. I don't know if it mattered but this dude could take me easily and like I said I had some cash on me. So we head back to my room and take of business, and afterwards she runs into the bathroom again. By this time I figure my buddy is swimming in chips at the juiciest game around so I just want to get going. After like 15 minutes of her blabbering she says "Do you see?" .... huh? "Do you see???" .... pardon? "DO YOU SEE!?" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. You know, cocaine. I turn the corner and she spilled her bag of coke on the floor of my bathroom. This crazy chick I just hooked up with is freaking out licking my bathroom floor for her coke. Now, I'm not a drug user and have no interest in being around this really. She's like in tears from her coke and finally I kick her out telling her she has to go. So I kick he rout and get into the choice game just in time for some more massive pots.

My first hooker and blow story!
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