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Old 05-10-2007, 12:01 AM
phydaux phydaux is offline
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Default Re: confused with the reason for the post ?

Really? 'Cause Mason, I love Dave and all, but I would no sooner rush to Dave's defense in a poker logic dispute than I would rush to the defense of a hungry lion in a rabbit hutch.

Dave doesn't put poker advice into print unless he knows he's right. And I don't mean he thinks he's right, or his advice is mostly right, I mean out to five decimal places, bet your daughter's virginity he's right right.

I know that, you know it, Dave sure as hell knows it, so does Doyle AND Arnold, and every one else in the at large, English speaking poker community with the sole possible exception of Mike Matasow.


Ed & Dave weren't dissing Doyle. At all, and I don't understand how anyone could come to that conclusion.

Even a limited understanding of implied odds tells even beginning players that, in deep stack, full ring no limit cash games (and those are the games covered in NLH:T&P) there is no pressure to steal the blinds. Rather, it teaches you that every time you enter the pot, particularly with sub-standard holdings, you are putting your whole stack at risk.

Seriously Mason, just forward all this to Dave. This is the kind of stuff he does for fun on rainy afternoons.

It does rain sometimes in Vegas, doesn't it?
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