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Old 11-30-2007, 08:13 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 197
Default Re: How many 85 year olds...

my grandfather is 77 and runs like 6 miles everyday and is completely "with it." a lot of people are stereotyping old people a bit too much. Quite a few 85 year olds still function as if they were 50. Sure they might die of a heart attack any day, but not every single one of them would break their hip from falling down. For example my 77 year old grandfather was changing a light bulb and fell of of the ladder he was on and he was just like ow, and then finished the job.

Even my other grandfather, who is much frailer and in poorer health fell off of a roof about 5 years ago and was pretty much just fine.
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