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Old 10-18-2007, 02:29 PM
Dire Dire is offline
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Default Re: nl200 yawn..i want to fold a set

this thread is 30 something posts too long.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you should not have made it, unless you only did so to make you feel better about a decision you probably felt was wrong when you were making it.

Most people are incapable of ever folding a set and that's perfectly fine. If you NEVER folded a set on the flop against anybody on any board texture, especially not with 100BB stacks, your earn rate wouldn't drop much at all. If you are capable of folding a set for 100BB stacks and are looking for a spot to do so, then this is one.

But like with all big hands, an incorrect fold is a MUCH MUCH bigger mistake than an incorrect call in the long run - since you will be ahead the vast majority of time in the vast majority of situations. Again, making never folding a perfectly legitimate, although unoptimal, option.
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