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Old 09-24-2007, 02:04 PM
Legislurker Legislurker is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Default Re: All regulation is doomed to fail, but it can be a bitch meanwhile

"Do you honestly think that if the Frank bill passes tomorrow, Full Tilt and Pokerstars will come into line? "

Based upon personal conversations with poker site owners, ANY site which could get a US license would do so.


"The government is helpless against the changes. They can't regulate if people aren't willing to go along."

Cactus, you really misunderstand politics and the public's social order.

Sadly, "People" are willing to "go along" with almost any regulation because they are willing to buy into fear of free markets.

I agree that Internet commerce is defintiely a cross-border phenomenon of common interests. However, you dismis too readily other social bonds and forces in your belief that commerce is all-powerful.

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While they may say they'll get a US license, what they actually do will be seen at a later date.

I agree with you, Milton, on the herd mentality and the fear of change, but I believe more in inevitable social evolution. Change happens whether we want it to or not. Just a couple of years ago, Internet shopping was considered a novelty. This year, it could make or break some companies who are prepared or not prepared for the Christmas shopping season.

It wasn't long ago that people had a very strong fear of computers. Now, they sell them like refrigerators. Those of us with computer knowledge are well aware they are still computers which don't work like a microwave or VCR.

The govt has never lead anything. The govt has always been behind every curve of change. The only way they can lead is by finding a parade and trying to get in front of it. Al Gore's claim of inventing the Internet is a great example. The parade was going strong by the time he got in front of it, too late, I might add, because by the time he said it everyone knew it was a joke.

I think there will be more sites, more options, more of everything by '09. Whether there will be another boom is a different question. People's attention spans are pretty short, and another pretty girl will walk by in a few seconds. I'm not worried at all whether I'll be able to play legally or not. I didn't drive 55, and I've been known to fire up a bowl on occasion. Like everyone else, it's up to me to decide which laws I'll support and am prepared to deal with the consequences of violating the law. Funny thing is, the lawmakers know it, while the general population doesn't. It's why the laws actually work.

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I agree with you that poker will go on. As long as net neutrality is in place and no lawmaker gets some crusade on over the internet. A boom again or no, all depends on an easy way to fund. The affiliate system is in place, tv advertizing is even more ramped up, and word of mouth is as strong as ever. I think a forgeign bank is going to have to win a case vs the DoJ or something. Make it easy to set up foreign accounts for people, and introduce them to tax avoidance 101.
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