Thread: Robert Kiyosaki
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Old 07-20-2006, 04:32 PM
maxtower maxtower is offline
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Default Re: Robert Kiyosaki

I think the book is garbage. After you have read 100 of these financial books you'll realize most are trivial and just different versions of the same crap.
I am sure some people like Degen realize value after having read the book, because of the motivational aspects of the message. I realized the same thing from those late night TV commercials on making bazillions through real estate. Most people who have the aptitude will make these realizations (saving, investing, income from investments) at some point in their lives. If this book was that pivotal moment for an individual then reading it was certainly a valuable experience for them and worth the $19.95. This does not however make it a good book. In my opinion the same person would have stumbled across some other source for the motivation anyway. They had to be looking or otherwise would not have even read it.
I would imagine the vast majority of people who read this book will say "Yeah thats what I should do." and never do anything.
The book is what it is. I would recommend to friends many other books first. Kiyosaki is a liar and a scammer who takes money from people making promises that will never materialize. Broke people like to hear Horatio Alger type stories and believe that they will one day break out of the cycle. There is a market for that and this book along with Kiyosaki's other offerings caters to that.
Actually breaking out of the rat race takes a lot more hard work, dedication, and intelligence.
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