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Old 12-01-2007, 06:47 AM
dirtytricks dirtytricks is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 523
Default Re: Cash game pros - lifestyle (and numbers) questions

Good thread!

I play poker only in spare time. I work 40 h a week. I have 6 years at university and have a very attractive job that is ok but not exciting.

I try to play 15000 hands a month mostly 4 tabling. I have slowly moved up levels since I started playing cash games 1 year ago and am now beating 400NL for 4-5 PTbb which means about 150 dollars an hour and about 5000 dollars a month on AVERAGE. I have had only 1 break even month ever.

My social life pretty much the same as before but I miss some more spare time. I work out less and dont watch TV anymore. Girlfriend complains a little but it works out ok. Ive got ZERO new friends by playing poker.

I cash out a little now and then which I spend on holidays, buying a new computer etc. Mostly building my bankroll.

My goal is to consistently beat 1000NL. I dont have any desire to be a high stakes player now but who knows...

I make more by playing poker 10 hours a weak than my fulltime job, which doesnt bother me since I really want something else to do also. I never talk about poker to people at work or with my family, its kind of tabu. I have a few friends that play, but noone professionaly.

Im pretty sure I would have quit job if I was uneducated and the job really bored me. I WILL HOWEVER strongly recommend not doing it before you beat 1000 NL over a big sample and you have a really big bankroll. By having a job and steady income its so much easier to handle the swings.
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