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Old 12-01-2007, 01:23 AM
ArcticKnight ArcticKnight is offline
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Default Re: How scared are you? What do YOU do?(tl;dr)

Man, you have some things in this story that don't compute. You said you have never been in a fight. I don't think I know anyone who was never in a fight. Maybe my mom. Anyway, I'm not sure if you were home-schooled or something, but you really must have missed out on some schoolyard survival skills.

Some thoughts/questions

-You can't be scared sh+tless AND able to nod off at the same time. It's really not possible.

-When said guy waddles into the store and you DON"T DRIVE AWAY, you should smack yourself very hard. Driving tired is better than risking random dude doing who knows what to you.

-During this scared sh+tless scenerio, you say to random stalker "do you have a problem." Okay, let's go back to schoolyard 101 and grade 7. You are 90 pounds and 150 pound guy in grade 9 looks like he wants to pound the crap out of you. At what point is "do you have a problem" the correct question?

My opinion is that you need to see a doctor and can get your "flight," "fight," and "freeze" responses rewired. I thing your brain is firing the wrong signals.
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