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Old 01-31-2007, 09:36 PM
chopstick chopstick is offline
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Default Re: Ethnic food thread

kid & El Diablo - You two are making me jones for some garlic naan. I feel like I'm about to get the shakes.

One of my favorite Indian secrets is an Indian bakery called Hot Breads, which doesn't have very many locations in the U.S., but does have 22 in India. Every time I have ever went into my local Hot Breads, I and the guests I have brought have always been the only non-Indians in the place. That should be a tip off right there that you need to be clicking the link above.

They specialize in breads stuffed with Indian goodness, including buns and croissants. I highly recommend the minced goat/lamb stuffed croissant, as well as the saag aloo bun. The chicken tikka croissant is also amazing.

Even better is that this place is dirt cheap. The croissants and buns are in the $2-$3 range, and when you look at one, you will be wondering why they aren't charging twice the amount, as people would have no problem forking over that for these delicious delights.

They also have massive (think 16oz or so) premade lassis (mango, rose, and more) for some crazy low price like $3.

Get thee to your nearest Hot Breads, my 2+2 friends.
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