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Old 06-09-2007, 09:28 PM
Boiler_bd Boiler_bd is offline
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Default Re: Survivor Season 2: Pog Island [GAME THREAD]

We are currently undergoing internal studies including but not limited to:
<ul type="square">[*] evaluating every sheep game ever run on pog[*] determining who is likely to join this contest and stopping just short of sending private investigators to their location to determine what level they are thinking on[*] analyzing every google search possible for each question and how that will likely effect the answers[*] running sample studies with hundreds of participants on each question. Each participant hand selected as fitting a mindset similar to that of a pogger[*] analyzing current media influences. We have several top people working with television stations world wide to determine what shows are currently big hits.[*] analyzing the opponents habits and what they are likely to choose, this is useful in a close decision to decrease the variance[*] trying to hook into IY's brain, including trying to channel his brain waves and studying his past successes.[/list]
Wilson lost before this one started.
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