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Old 06-09-2007, 01:37 PM
mkind0516 mkind0516 is offline
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Default Re: Slowplayed AA on Scary Flop (5/10)

I think so. His range of hands here is like all 2 pairs, sets, straights, pair + draws (QJ, JT, J9, KQ, JJ, pair + flush draw), KK/AA, AJ, and AQ. Given this range, my equity is only 40%. A lot of these hands have me crushed (sets, straights, 2 pairs); some are equal in equity (pair + draws); some I'm slightly ahead of (KQ, AJ not clubs); and only 1 hand I'm really crushing (AQ). Given the situation, I thought this was a fold. It's not easy to give up aces when you're hand is totally misrepresented, but I think this is a spot to get away cheaply as more often than not, I'm getting stacked if I push here (he'll prob fold the hands I'm a good size favorite against and call w/ equal or better hands only).

I'm curious as to what you guys think are some alternate lines post-flop.
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