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Old 11-23-2007, 06:50 PM
glimmertwin glimmertwin is offline
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Default Re: Thanksgiving Tips From The Bear

Barry's taught me so much, now's my opportunity to return the favour:

Extra-virgin olive oil comes from the first cold pressing of the olives, and has an acidity of less than .8%. Consequently, it's the best tasting of the olive oils and cannot contain any refined oil. You don't want the refined [censored] because the heat caused by mechanical extraction changes the chemistry of the oil.

Virgin olive oil has an acidity of 2% or less and tastes very good, it just isn't the very finest. Usually comes from subsequent pressings, but also can't contain refined oil.

Pure olive oil is a blend of virgin or extra virgin and refined olive oil. This stuff is the cheapo stuff usually used in cooking
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