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Old 10-15-2007, 03:44 PM
ALawPoker ALawPoker is offline
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Default Re: Why \"Would You . . .\" Questions are All BS

For sure.

If anything, I'd wager that the people who say they probably wouldn't do anything or that they're not really sure would actually be *more* likely to help than the people who say they'd definitely do it. I feel like we all have some basic condition that will drive us to almost involuntarily act in a certain way in such situations (entirely regardless of whatever intellectual justifications we might come up with on an internet message board). And the people who insist they'd help and that helping is so righteous are probably more likely to just be overcompensating for the fact that they're wusses who would run as soon as the situation got a little scary or whatnot. The people who say "eh, whatever" are still human, and thus still perfectly likely to help. Their response is just more honest to the reality that there's no way to know.
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