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Old 08-05-2007, 02:42 AM
diamonddawg diamonddawg is offline
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Default Re: Honestly Aba just wanted to share how good this device is

Pretty much anyone who owns an IPhone is delusional. Its really that bad.

[/ QUOTE ]
I bought my iPhone in a moment of "gotta-have-it-itis" that I then spread like cooties to my bf and friends.

Today, I spent 3 hours with my Mac guy while he restored my Address Book on both the laptop & iPhone.
Who the hey knows other than the other day (after it was working good on and off with occasional moments of "I will now shut down sporadically even though you have loaded the new 1.1 software on me") I plugged it into my laptop to charge and a message window came up with some msg (wasn't really paying attention - my first mistake) such as "This sync will change more than 5% of your contacts" - next thing I know...
No contacts in iPhone. No contacts in laptop.
Yes, I am foolish and had not backed up my Address Book in weeks.
Imagine my disappointment.

Regardless... On my show there are 4 ppl with brand new iPhones. Mine has had a problem. Another guy's just went totally dark the other day and nothing will light it up (it's not just the battery - but thx tech support!). The other 2 people have had not a single problem. I find 50% a poor reliability number and though it has it's pluses, and also whether or not Brian is endorsing this phone, I wish I had waited.
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