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Old 11-27-2007, 03:21 AM
Aramail Aramail is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 30
Default Re: college essay help

Second Draft:

The world I came from is Magic… Magic and theatre.
Games were part of my life for as long as I can remember. Board, video, strategy, chance, I’d play anything with whoever I could get to play with me. Most significantly, was Magic: The Gathering. When my family returned to Southern California after living in South Carolina for three years, I found a local card shop and picked up few packs of Magic cards, an old game my brothers had taught me. It grabbed me instantly and wasn’t letting go. A card game, Magic combines chance with resource control, micro managing, strategy, and bluffing. Unfortunately, as with many games of chance, in Magic sometimes you make every correct decision and still lose. It’s easy to second guess yourself in situations like these, but to be successful in Magic, I learned you must be ready for any situation, think ahead multiple steps the consequences of your decisions, adapt, have patience and control, and above all; be confident in your decisions. I have many dreams and aspirations for my life, and my path has many forks ahead. Magic taught me far more than just a way to play a card game, Magic shaped my dreams in a way that no matter which path I follow, I know I’ll be ready, thinking about the consequences of my actions, knowing I did what I thought was right, and gaining confidence through this, even if the out come isn’t what I had hoped.
Musical Theatre also acted as constant in my life. I did musicals every summer, and the experience was unforgettable. The performing aspect wasn’t what attracted me, I never minded being in front of people but I never found it that rewarding. However, I could never get enough of the experience. Theatre naturally attracts the outgoing type, and the people I met were the most interesting and diverse group I had ever been a part of. Meeting and watching all of these people interact showed me how people really should be treated. People in theatre always seemed to be open to each other, rejecting childish stereotypes and not passing judgments as I had been exposed to for so long in society. I believe the way you treat people is one of the most important aspects of your values or morals, and theatre first exposed me to that idea. My experience in musical theatre taught me many things about my self, and showed me how much I enjoyed simply interacting with people.
Theatre directly shaped my dream of interacting with the most people possible, no matter how they may appear; and like Magic, taught me a way to live my life. Though games and theatre are minor pebbles in the mountain of my life, they truly shaped my dream of how I want to live my life. Like a game of magic, evaluating decisions and committing, and like theatre taught me, always open minded, and never judging.


It seems like I may be skimming the prompt to much, but I really like the general idea of what I'm saying. Is it to far from what the question is asking or does it not matter much in app. essays?
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