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Old 12-09-2006, 04:38 PM
trapsetter trapsetter is offline
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Default Re: My positions

If both party's were smart they would put her on the ticket as the VP candiate and put Rice on the ticket as the VP for the rep

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This would not be smart, given the real goals in an election. Breaking barriers isn't the goal. Winning is.

Hillary Clinton is hated by too many people. Condi Rice is in the Pro Bush/Pro Iraq camp. Both of these are detrimental, not additive, to any electable candidate on either side.

The best democratic candidates by far are Obama and Bayh.

On the other side it's not so clear. McCain is someone people respect, but he's way too old compared to everyone else, and his Iraq views aren't in synch with the national mindset right now.

Giuliani was a phenomenal mayor (i am a lifelong new yorker and was here for 9/11), and let me tell you that i have never seen someone more poised and effective in a time of crisis than Giuliani then. However, Giuliani isn't cut out for the office of President. He needs to be the master of his own domain. As mayor, he had that dynamic to his office. As President, he'd be too autocratic and this would stymie his effectiveness.
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