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Old 03-31-2006, 04:34 PM
TomBrooks TomBrooks is offline
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Default Re: 12 year old Daughter witn emotional issues

Your daughter doesn't have much respect for other people or other things. Not giving other people or things respect or, in other words, having contempt for them, allows a person to feel superior. There is a tendency in every person to do this to some extent.

One can create their own fantasy world where they are better able to "control" what goes on. The motivation for this is generally based on not liking the real world very much. Not liking something and not respecting it are linked, except where criticism of something is honest and deserved.

The feeling of superiority that one derives from this attitude, while satisfying on one level, is fragile and subject to being overridden by a deeper feeling of dissatisfaction, emptiness and loneliness.

For more see There's a kind of high signal/noise ratio at that site, but if you dig around I think you'll find some things that are applicable and helpful.

Good luck.
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