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Old 03-26-2006, 10:39 AM
ahnuld ahnuld is offline
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Default Re: bottom2, really tricky spot. party 2k6m.

I like the line that calls this flop to see the turn, what we would generally do with AA in this spot. The difference is there are so many ugly cards on the turn it is almost impossible to see a safe one (8-2 offsuit is about it).

Also, becuase of the board and we hold a 4, a set is reaaaaally unlikely to be out there, so we dont have to worry about our AA or in this case bottom two being destroyed by a set. I think the biggest fear is KQ, but since there are so many hands he could play that way, and we dont know what bullets we need to dodge, we need to commit oursleves to the hand now or fold. I hate folding, so push or make it like 1000 to go with the intention of calling an allin. Push isnt great becuase he wont call with a draw in that spot, but he may call with the AK so its our best option since 1000 may commit us to go allin on any turn card.
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