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Old 03-25-2006, 02:32 PM
adsman adsman is offline
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Default Re: In deference to Beenben - ask hobbes a medical question


It is your life and your health. A good doctor can help, but in the end it is your problem. My wife is an endocrinologist. If you have diabetes, she can teach you how to manage your diet, lifestyle and medications to keep your blood sugars under control. This will prevent early heart disease, stroke, renal failure, blindness, erectile dysfunction and a whole host of other costly problems. If you don't/can't follow the plan, there is nothing she can do and it is only a matter of time before I'm taking expensive care of your complications in the ICU. Where is the failure in the system? It's your life, take some personal responsibility for it.

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Well said. We live in a society where less and less people actually take responsibility for their lives and actions. People just want a quick fix. They want a magic pill to solve their problems.
This includes finding a good doctor. Don't just go to the first one and take his word as gospel. Do some research, ask around. Put some effort into your life.
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