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Old 03-24-2006, 10:20 PM
Drew16 Drew16 is offline
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Default Re: I\'m bored too...ask ScottieK about the banking industry

The armored car people came everyday to fill the ATM. At this bank the ATM was outside and not directly attatched to the bank. So they filled the machine with money and took out any deposits made into the ATM(also any ATM cards left in the machine). They then brought the deposits into the bank where a teller would open and process them. Most just had checks but there was some cash.

That teller had her window closed and I was the only other teller. When you entered the bank the line formed to the right. This little white guy comes in and enters to the left (the exit end of the line). I am with a lady and dont pay much attention because this happened alot. Then I hear the other teller say "Im sorry, Im closed at the moment" followed by, "HEY! What are you doing?"

I look over and see the guy dangling over the counter and he just uses both arms to scoop up everything on the counter and bolts to the door. On his way to the door he almost bites it and gains control of himself just before crashing through the glass door. I kind of froze because I didnt realize what was happening and the lady at my window says "You may have just been robbed." I kind of laugh then realize I didnt hit my alarm button.

The robber was smart enough to park down the street but after he ran to his truck he got in and drove right in front of the bank where everyone was standing and writing down his license plate number. It only took the cops about 2 minutes to show up, this bank was in a busy area and an area with alot of foot traffic. The first two cops show up and apparently since they arent detectives they cant come in. They just make us lock the door and stay inside. There are only two customers inside and they must stay also. One is a dirty old lady saying she MUST leave and go to work but the cops wont have it. She is standing at the door cussing the cops the whole time.

Finally the FBI shows up, along witht he TV cameras and the head FBI guy begins his power trip. He comes in screaming at everyone telling us everything we did wrong and how we may have messed up the crime scene. We all get questioned, they look for fingerprints and the bank manager says its time to open back up. After they are nice enough to buy us a pizza.

The rest of the day is spent with a line out the door of people coming to make $5 or less deposit/withdrawals just to ask what happened.

The next morning we had to come in an hour early to meet with a counselor. I was kind of a jackass and kept making smartass comments because I was tired and didnt see the point of meeting with a counselor. Its not like someone got shot.
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