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Old 03-24-2006, 04:17 PM
NickPappagiorgio NickPappagiorgio is offline
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Default New Career-Brag Post

So, a little background first. I graduated from UCSD in 2000 with a degree in Economics. I worked in Financial Planning for about 3 years after graduating and ended that career as the Director of Financial Planning for a boutique firm in Orange County. After that, I developed a career as a Real Estate Loan Officer in both the OC and Las Vegas and have been doing that for the past 3 years.

I've become SO tired and disinterested in Financial Sales and the people in the industry. So about a month ago, I decided that what really interests and motivates me is financial analysis and research. I resigned from my job and began applying to Real Estate Investment, Development and Consulting Firms like crazy for a position as a Financial Analyst. Nothing was panning out. Most companies felt that I didn't have enough experience in financial analysis. I even interviewed with a couple of companies in Las Vegas and was willing to move back.

I resigned myself to the fact that I was going to have to go back to school and get my MA in Economics and get a job that would pay the bills in the meantime. I had a job working as the Financial Manager for my cousin's company lined up but wasn't very excited about it. I also was accepted into an MA program at a local University.

Anyway, I had my resume online at Monster for some Vegas jobs. About a week ago, I noticed a job on Monster that was in the OC that interested me so I updated my information to show an OC address and made one last ditch effort to get a career as a Financial Analyst. The company never responded to the resume I sent, and I felt certain that I was going to have to work for my cousin's company.

This past Monday, A Real Estate Consulting firm called me stating that they had seen my resume on Monster and that they would be interested in meeting with me. I had never changed my resume back, and out of no where, this firm ends up calling me for an interview. I met with them over the past few days and was so impressed with the company and the direction it is heading. I also spoke with a friend of mine who works for a large law firm and asked him if he had ever heard of the company. He hadn't but he spoke to the head of the Real Estate Division at his office at that individual said that the company is very well known and respected in the industry.

Yesterday afternoon they offered me a position as a Real Estate Consultant. This is the exact job that I have been trying to attain for the past month and a half without any success. I am so excited right now and feel so fortunate to have had this opportunity fall into my lap. Moreover, the position is going to pay 30% more than what I was expecting to be offered by the other companies I had been applying to and interviewing with. It really is amazing how life works sometimes. Just when I had given up hope of finding an analyst position that was of interest to me, a preeminent consulting firm that I hadn't even pursued comes along and offers me a position well beyond my expectations.

Sorry if this post is a little long-winded, but I just couldn’t contain my excitement.

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