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Old 07-12-2005, 08:38 AM
Shandrax Shandrax is offline
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Default Re: Comparing WLLH 3rd edition to 2nd edition

I think I will never understand recipe-books like that one...

One should be reminded from the comparison to the dealer in Black Jack that a pure strategy will never work. Once people know what you are doing, you will lose (Fundamental Theorem of Poker). Poker is all about mixed strategies and adapting them specifically to the unique situation on your table.

How long will it take people to realize (or remember) this?

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When I first started playing limit poker my only experience with poker at all had been NL bar poker and NL home games with my friends. I was a total beginner at limit poker and my father told me to read WLLHE before I played any 3/6.

I would have been completely lost without formulaic books like WLLHE. I had no experience with small stakes hold'em. I was still struggling with concepts such as position(something I had to learn the hard way). WLLHE got me through the initial stages of learning to play limit hold'em. I have since graduated from WLLHE play and moved on to SSHE. Now I understand the concepts behind the actions and I can make intelligent decisions.

But, I cannot underestimate the importance that WLLHE played in my development as a poker player. The formulaic play kept me playing long enough to become comfortable with, and seek to continue learning about the game.

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Well, my background comes from chess and in chess there are countless "Winning with..."-books. Some beginner will buy it, memorize the lines and then start wondering why he keeps losing to guys who don't even know (this) theory.

Yes agreed, books like that may be a good way to start, but people should not expect to make a fortune in online play with it, simply because it ain't that easy.
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