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Old 12-02-2007, 04:31 AM
Rek Rek is offline
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Default Re: Downswings at ironic moments?

Hi OSUGreg,

Post a similar thread in the micro stakes asking about the difference in play. However, I think the problem you have affects a huge number of players when they move up and IMO there are 2 main issues:

1. The swings become that much greater – fine when you are winning but a few losses and you see your bankroll dwindling at a greater rate than you are used to.
2. This leads on to the second issue – panic sets in and your play alters. You start playing scared. A recipe for disaster.

Just move back down, rebuild, get comfortable and try again. It can take a number of attempts before the previous level is left behind completely. Don’t let ego get in the way – always be prepared to drop back down again. Confidence is the key.
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