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Old 12-01-2007, 11:30 PM
Paulie Walnuts Paulie Walnuts is offline
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Default Re: I\'m getting surgery Friday

Nice TR! Thanks...

So does it still hurt alot? Did they say how long the recuperation would take? How long till you can get around and go back to work?

I haven't had my follow up appt yet on getting my surgery scheduled. Prob around the holidays sometime.

Take care.. BB

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm takin vicodin every 4 hours so the pain isn't too bad. hurts like hell when i move around after sitting in the same spot for a while. Got a 4 inch wound down on my groin. My dick is bruised too. basically I can't lift anything over 10 lbs or run or aything strenuous for 8 weeks. Don't have to go back to work until the 17th also. Gettin payed to sit around and watch TV and play poker baby. Good luck with your surgery too BB and tell them to drug you before you go to the OR cuz that was seriously some scary [censored]. Lookin back on it I have a hard time believin they actually did me like that.

"Go ahead and scoot onto the operating table for us" Scariest [censored] I ever heard.
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