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Old 12-01-2007, 08:53 PM
DonButtons DonButtons is offline
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Default Re: Cash game pros - lifestyle (and numbers) questions

I want to play 50 hrs/week 12 tabling 6max, its usually about half of that. Though its progressing. Hopefully this can be the month I break the slacking habit (though most won't call 100k/hands a month slacking). Play business hours/business days, take weekend off. But if I go near 50, its prob. only 1 day off.

One thing that helps with the balance, is working during the day instead of night. For me its harder since I 12 table, but if you have the proper set ups, its not hard.

Something I think thats going help, is setting up a office in like a office building to work at. Playing at home is nice, but down the road I think it will help with a lot of balancing with your life. Its ideal if its nearby/walking distance. Ive done it before where its like 20-30 minutes away and the commute sucks. Especially if theirs traffic (really sucked in a lambo). And it didnt last long. I just got a bigger apt. and had a seperate office. But with a GF living with me past year its prob. better to seperate it completely when I go to work.

I used to play nights mostly, but prob. about 25 hours/week. And in miami, socially, if your going out to the club, its usually around midnight so it didnt hurt if I wanted to work at night usually then go out after. Sleeping schedule was a lot worse though, and was little hard to balance the things to do during the day.

I also work out 2-3x a week for about a hour. Play golf and basketball somewhat.
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