Thread: Sleeping Habits
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Old 12-01-2007, 08:13 PM
The_Dealor The_Dealor is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 58
Default Re: Sleeping Habits

I have this exact problem. I dont think the problem is poker related at all. I am also 19, have a regular job and play poker almost every hour i am not working or playing pool. But i have had this problem my entire life, through school i wouldnt sleep until 4am, and then be at school for 9am. and do the same again the following night. It ended with me spending a little time in hospital, apparently lack of sleep caused severe weight loss and other problems.

It is funny that iv seen this thread as i was going to post something similar myself. My sleeping pattern at the moment is perhaps the worst its been. its 12.10am as i am posting this (UK), and i have only been awake for 3 hours, so to me this is morning, but yet my friends and family are sleeping now. I have work in 10 hours, and i have no doubt i will be awake for another 24 hours before i sleep again for 8 hours or so.

Im just wondering if there is any solution to this problem other than pills. I have tried changing my diet and loads of other rubbish the doctor advised.

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