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Old 12-01-2007, 05:36 PM
deluz35 deluz35 is offline
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Default Re: A question about degeneracy in winning poker players

"Degeneracy" literally means a decline or reversion. In this context, it sounds like you are using poker as an escape from assuming greater responsibility in the world. Not that you are getting worse at poker, but you are using it as a way to avoid your personal evolution.

I am doing the same thing myself. I am 33 and I just quit my job to play poker full-time for a living. I need the money and can't stand "normal" jobs, but I'm not really much happier grinding poker for a living. It's just another job.

I encourage you to finish and motivate for the exam. Don't wait another month. Do it now. You can continue playing to the extent it doesn't interfere with your degree. No matter which path you choose, there will be pain and challenges. There is no avoiding that if you are going to evolve. I hope this helps.
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