Thread: mini brag
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Old 12-01-2007, 02:34 PM
smokingrobot smokingrobot is offline
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Default Re: mini brag

hey smokingrobot, you probably shouldn't make crappy threads and then get super defensive and insulting when people point that out. Also, pretty much any thread that's like hay guize check out this album/ movie/ sitcom/ whatever and then offers no additional content is complete crap.

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i often forget to add comments because im usually so caught up in the fact that my opinions are so golden that i dont realize i need to go any further. will do next time, sir.

also, i meant my reply as humorous, not a defensive/passive aggressive, but i appreciate your pointing it out.


if anyone cares, battle for Algiers is black and white war flick about the conflict between the Franco occupied Algeria and the Algerians. Spliced with actual footage of the conflict along with scripted action, the flick is probably on most top 100 best movies of all time. All in all, its a amazingly shot film and I'd recommend it to anyone. If you only watch regular hollywood stuff, i'd say pass and wait until Vin Diesel releases something else to make that closet homosexual in you drool.
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