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Old 12-01-2007, 12:44 PM
Paulie Walnuts Paulie Walnuts is offline
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Default Re: I\'m getting surgery Friday

TLR Surgery trip report-

The DJ on the radio was talkin about anesthetic awareness on the ride over. Got to the hospital at 7. Had two dudes ahead of me so they said I wouldn't be up til about 11. Sat in the pre-op room with the wife in my moo-moo and watched Good Morning America, Ellen, Price is Right. Got a boner during that time and didn't want to pop one during surgery so I told the wife to suck it off for me. She was scared cuz we were in a 6 partition room behind our curtain. I decided to rub one out and right when I was cummin she finished me off with some BJ. Wiped the cum on the sheets underneath of course. Finally got wheeled into another room at 11:30 where they hook up the IV and that's when I started to get nervous. The anesthesiolgist talked to me and told me the risks of surgery (death) and I signed a consent form. Other dudes try to small talk with me to make me feel comfortable. I was nervous but not scared or anything. Here's where the freaky ass part happened.

Last time I had this same surgery they slipped me a mickey in the room I was just talking about. So I never remembered getting taken to the operating room itself. This time they didn't. They said this surgeon liks to keep his patients aware when they arrive in the OR so they can state their name and side he was going to operate on. Freakiest, scariest [censored] i have ever been through. I get wheeled in to the room and the surgeon is standing at the foot of the operating table at parade rest. He has his mask on and I have the feeling he really gets off on this [censored]. He's an asian guy about 50 years old looked pretty evil. They have me scoot off of my comfortable hospital bed onto the actual operating table. It is a table just wide enough for a bidy to lay on with both legs straight. If I rolled in either direction the slightest I would roll off. It has two arm rests protruding off in a 45 degreee angle. Right next to me was the tray with the scalpel and tools on it. I was shaking and really cold. I wanted to just tell the to call the whole thing off. The last thing I remember is the lady behind me putting the gas over my face and telling me to take deep breaths. Than I woke up and it was over. It hurt like hell until they gave me a vicodin which helped a lot. I went to the recvery room where I had to eat and drink and piss before i was released. Got wheelchaired out to my wife's car and went home.

Cliff Notes: Got a partial BJ while waiting for my surgery. Got really freaked out seeing the crazy looking surgeon standing at parade rest like some sort of ritual sacrifice was bout to take place in the operating room. Got surgery. woke up and went home.
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