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Old 12-01-2007, 11:31 AM
RR RR is offline
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Default Re: How long do I withhold tips? Dealer mistake costs me $1800. (long)

in my local indian cardroom, a dealer made a $500 mistake in one of the NL games, and the player who was on the losing end told the General Manager of the cardroom he was going to report it to the gaming commission (exact same situation; dealer mistake, early burn and turn on river) and the Cardroom gave him his money back

I'd say you make an appointment with the GM of Poker/table games, tell them you plan to press the issue with the NVGC and would like to give them a chance to compensate you first

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I am guessing he played some other games in the casino games. It was handled exactly right. Generally if someone is a good customer I will buy them dinner or a sandwich if something like this happens. If they come up demanding stuff or asking what I was going to do to make up for it I explain that to them that they were not screwed and (if the burn and turn was on the river) that their chances were actually improved by the premature card because they know the card can come instead of being in the muck (it seems like the complainer is always someone that was drawing and missed).
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