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Old 12-01-2007, 11:19 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site

I have spent a lot of time looking up information on the 9-11 conspiracy theories and all the events that happened that day. I am sure that something happened that day that we are not being told about...outside of that it's very confusing and hard for someone like myself with limited scientific knowledge to draw any conclusions about it.

One thing I do know for sure is that the people who opposed Neilso in this thread and pretty every thread I have come across where someone takes the "9-11 essentially happened like everyone thinks it did" side acts like a jerk toward the truthers. I wish both sides would act better and more civil towards one and another, because the constant name calling makes these threads un-readable.

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And from sirio:
And I thought this forum have no jerks, but this thread proved me wrong, it's like reading OOT.

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If you read the responses starting from the beginning, you'll see that almost everyone started off being polite and open to Nielsio's theories and stayed that way for a long time, which is more than you'd get in a lot of places.

But then a pattern emerged where Nielsio never responded to the substantial rebuttals and talking points, and never entered into a reasonable and open discussion of the very points he raised. He simply posted more and more unscientific and downright kooky theories and testimonies. And he continued to post falsehoods after they were shown to be 100% false, such as the aliminium stuff, the pancake effect, the freefall, etc. It's pretty obvious he's just a propagandist with little in the way of common decency.

I used to think Nielsio was harmless but he's actually rather irresponsible. He doesn't care at all for truth, but merely hopes to use these forums to get a superficially plausible story and videos out to as many impressionable and casual browsers as he can. The truth is secondary to his political aims, which ironically is the exact behavior of the people he so despises. IMO he does more to help the cause of Bush et al than your average Christian fundamentalist and is similar to them in a lot of ways.

I'm a little surprised that people reading this can't see that.
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