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Old 12-01-2007, 06:18 AM
zac777 zac777 is offline
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Default Re: 5/10 oop, mid pair, tough opponent. allllll in?

For those of you who hate the flop play, what's your line and why? What if you know you're likely to get raised?

Here's how I looked at my options during the hand:

bet/fold: This is the standard line against most players, but against bufo I think I get raised here a ton. If I am bet/folding 99 then he probably has a profitable raise with any two cards. There's a price to be paid for being OOP, but I think my hand is too strong to put in a bet then give up against the pressure that is very likely to come.

bet/shove: If he is getting way out of line with his raising I can probably just shove over a raise. I didn't give much thought to this line because at the time it seemed super spewy.

bet/he calls. I'm OOP in a big pot with a marginal hand, but it's not the worst outcome. His range is narrowed a ton so at least my turn play is a little easier.

check/fold: I think my hand is too strong, even OOP, to be giving up on it for one bet.

check/call: I give him control of the hand in the hopes that he will fire again and I can profitably shove a good turn. One downside is that this takes a ton of strong hands out of my range, while giving me no real clue about what he has. If I don't intend to shove a large % of turns then I think this is terrible, but if I do, it gives him a chance to put the most money in when he's behind.

check/raise, bet/call: Didn't see much merit to these lines at the time, so I didn't put in much thought to either of them.

I don't like any of my options, which is why I try not to play too many pots oop vs. good/aggro players. But I had to pick something, so I took the c/c approach. I don't have any emotional attachment to my line so I'm not really interested in defending it, but if my thought process in this spot is flawed then I'd like to correct it. Eventually I have to start assigning ranges and plugging in the numbers, but I wanted to get a few thoughts first.

Thanks for the input so far.
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