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Old 12-01-2007, 04:43 AM
mrick mrick is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 159
Default Re: Thread for Kaj on topic of human values


[/ QUOTE ]WTF??? [ QUOTE ]
you're just another overeducated underthinking hack if you won't admit...

[/ QUOTE ] WTF???? you are losing the argument dude. How can someone be overeducated?

"agreement" = the minimal agreement that has always been throughout all periods of history agreed upon, not that which existed at any certain moment.

[/ QUOTE ] OK --- I know that very few things have been "agreed" throughout all periods of history etc and those would be Man's extreme aggressiveness, brutality, etc. And I AGREE that these "principles" are the way you phrased it "INHERENT IN MAN".

So, questions : 1. If God created Man in his own image or whatever did he realy wired us up to be this way or is this some kind of factory glitch? 2. What else is "inherent in Man" and why? Tell me about kindness, love and understanding before or after Son O God came down....
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