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Old 12-01-2007, 04:10 AM
Rick Nebiolo Rick Nebiolo is offline
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Default Re: Perfect example of why we need to actively fight Islamo-facism

In 1944, 13% of Americans wanted to "kill all Japanese" and in December 1945 22% wished the United States had had the opportunity to use "many more" atomic bombs before Japan had a chance to surrender.

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This doesn't surprise me, horrify me, or in any way change my opinion regarding the goodness and greatness of America.

I think we would both agree that the fighting in the Pacific was vicious, and that 13 or 22 percent of Americans would answer this way in response to a poll is in no way surprising or indicative of our national character or will.

The reality was that we managed the postwar peace in such a noble and enlightened way that forty years later Japan was bombarding us with Toyota and Honda autos instead of high tech weapons and 62 years later let some of us (i.e., Boston) to employ two Japanese citizens named Matsuzaka and Okajima to win another World Series.

~ Rick
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