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Old 12-01-2007, 04:09 AM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Of Climate Models and Hurricane Predictions

Excellent post. I'd just like to point out that Congress is certainly contemplating measures that will impact the bottom line of US taxpayers, consummers and what have you. When I read stuff like Harry Reid blaming the wild fires in California on man mad global warming (he backed away quickly though) and/or the Secretary General of the UN blaming Darfur on man made global warming I smell a rat, a big fat stinking rat. Then I see offers from my electric company making me an offer to supply me with electricity that is 90 percent generated by wind power for 10 percent more and I'm almost certain the fix is in. IMO politicians in this country are set to embark on programs like carbon taxes, cap and trade policies, international agreements pledging to reduce carbon emissions, etc. where they have no clue whatsover that it will do a friggen thing except line someone's pocket book. It's all based on what the most dire predictions of the climate models are. We've discussed climate models more than a few times. Having a fair amount of experience with developing models for things IMO orders of magnitude less complicated than the climate, it seems absolutely ridiculous to base policy on such output. End of rant and apologies if I muddied this subthread up.

Democrats reach deal on energy bill

Hope people aren't driving around in too many "beer cans" when the more stringent CAFE standards get implemented:

While details of those provisions were still being worked out, aides said the ethanol provision was expected to mirror Senate requirements for use of 36 billion gallons of ethanol a year by 2022, a sevenfold increase over today's productions.

Power companies would have to produce 15 percent of their electricity from renewable energy, aides close to the discussions said.

Right on queue.

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