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Old 12-01-2007, 02:13 AM
Evoken Evoken is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 4
Default Re: *OFFICIAL* December Goals Thread

1. Get won when saw flop back up, it inexplicably dropped to 30 for november from 38-41 at various stakes throughout my poker lifetime. Gotta figure out my leaks, stop spewing and going hugely negative in non-showdown winnings.
2. Don't run horrible. 20% went to showdown, 47% won at showdown over the last 25k.
3. 70k hands, most I've ever played during a month was 40k, but I'm off of college for 3 weeks of december and I'll have a second monitor to 12 table with.
4. 50nl? Doubt it though, I'm not going to even bother with it without 35-40 buyins, I just can't handle playing with any fewer than this psychologically.
5. Don't tilt, cut those 1k hand neg 5 buyins sessions short, they pretty much never get better. If Jones decides I need to lose for the next few hours, don't argue with him.
6. Exercise regularly, just helps alot with my mental state; which leads to better play.
7. Stop dicking around on stars and get on prima. I cleared my reload bonus long ago and it's pretty pointless to be playing without RB/bonus, I'm sure there's absolutely no difference in the quality of the players at microstakes anyway.
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