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Old 12-01-2007, 02:13 AM
bellytimber bellytimber is offline
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Default Re: Survivor China OFFICIAL THREAD

Damn. To KKF and everybody who thinks James wouldn't have been able to win at the end, I think he had a great chance of winning if he made it to jury vote. Amanda said as much, she said something like "everyone knows he would deserve the million, he works hardest, is crazy at challenges, has both immunity idols, etc..." Sure, I know in a survivor jury vote that "Deserve's got nothin to do with it," but I do think that he had a bunch of people in his corner.

James blew it, and he summed it up in his sayonara speech: "I just tried to roll the dice too many times." He got greedy. Yeah, maybe PG should have tried to triple cross them and tell James about the blindside, but bottom line I think she hates James and was psyched to beat him.

I'm surprised, but when they show Courtney from the neck up I think she's pretty.

Also James had an incredibly girly first throw. Sigh, where was Green Mile James that zinged his slinghot at the speed of sound? Pfft.

that was definitely Amanda's best episode of the season. I don't really like her but I can't figure why I don't; she is definitely playing a better game lately than I gave her credit for. Oh well, at least season four of the Wire gets put out on Netflix in a few days.
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