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Old 11-30-2007, 11:47 PM
toohigh toohigh is offline
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Default Re: Vaporizers, is the Volcano worth it?

I just went out and got the Digi-Vapor VP500 after reading this thread, paid $500.

I originally tried a volcano a few months ago in a coffee shop in Amsterdam. I wasn't impressed at the time, but that's probably cuz I was blazed out of my mind to begin with.

Anyways, I just smoked 3 bags, and I'm pretty blazed. It tastes kinda strong to me, not as pleasant as a blunt or joint. But the effects are similar. And the hits don't feel weaker necessarily with the vapo eaither, they hit hard too.

Total setup time is similar to that of preparing a joint, blunt, or pipe, so nothing to complain about there. It's somewhat portable, but I'd rather keep mine in one place. It's not like I'm gonna bring it with me when I drive and plug it into my cigarette lighter or something.

So all-in-all, from a stoner's perspective who has really never had experience with a vapo, I'd give the whole experience a 7/10. Hopefully it'll last me long enough to get my $500 worth.
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