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Old 11-30-2007, 11:32 PM
FlopYouDead FlopYouDead is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 49
Default Re: Just wondering...

There is no love for the underdog in poker.

In any other sporting competition there is an affection for the underdog and a genuine delight when a competitor with skills perceived to be inferior finds a way to win, be it fluke or not. This is presumably because we find something is affirmed in overcoming long odds. It's a feel-good story.

In poker nothing is affirmed. It's destiny denied. It's someone doing everything wrong and winning and someone making every right move and losing. It's injustice. There is umbrage. There is outrage. To whatever extent an inferior player produces superior results in poker that player will be loathed, and it's understandable.

For whatever reason Annette is perceived to have been the recipient of too much of this dumb luck. I have no idea whether that's true or not, but at some point the consistent replication of results has to hold sway as the predominant factor in assessing skill. The luck theory only goes so far.
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