Thread: TPTK BvB
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:05 PM
Profish2285 Profish2285 is offline
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Default Re: TPTK BvB

If I just call a turn bet I am pretty much committed to the river. At that point a reasonable bet would be around 15 or more, but lets assume the lower bet size. 15+9.75+1.75 = 26.50. So I am putting in over 1/2 my stack on the by the turn and there is no folding a river to this guy. I am also going to say its fairly safe to assume he will be betting most of his range on the turn. So if this is the assumption we will be making, I think this comes down to either just folding here, shoving flop, or calling flop and shoving turn. I think folding against this guy is obviously pretty damn weak so its between shoving flop and shoving turn. The benefits of shoving flop is that it gives me the most protection and he will probably pay off with any top pair hand. The downside of course is that he folds his air hands and probably mid pair. The positive to shoving turn is that I get paid much more from his range usually as I allow him to double barrel air and mid pair hands. The downside is that I am giving him free shots to draw and there is a chance that he slows down assuming a scare card hits the board.
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