Thread: Luckyjimm busto
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:43 PM
evil_ronnie evil_ronnie is offline
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Default Re: Luckyjimm busto

The biggest risk in life is not taking one.

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I remember meeting some guy at a party who told me he'd never gambled because he preferred taking risks in life.

I take no risks in life. I never try anything. The only "risk" I take is of being broke, but then I can always go back to my parents and eat my mother's cooking, sleep in my old room, and retreat further from life.

Gambling for me, then, is a way of avoiding risks; it gives me a controlled drama and safe thrills - after all, it's only money. Just some times I take it too far, and, beyond anaesthetising myself to the life that's passing me by, I cause myself serious problems by not being able to meet my financial obligations.

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And what happens when your folks are no longer there?

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inheritance innit
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