Thread: 10NL - 33 pf
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:20 PM
Alobar Alobar is offline
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Default Re: 10NL - 33 pf

Meh, its close. You are calling .80 to win the max of about $10 (his stack plus whats already in the pot). It's hard to know if he actually has a legit hand here, so its hard to gauge if you are more likely to get paid off if you do flop a set. Some minraising retards 3 ball the good stuff, others are the "*giggle* lets slow play!" type. I suspect this is one of those spots where its so close it doesnt much matter. Given that, I prolly just go ahead and call, I don't want him thinking he can 3 bet me with crap and I'll fold, and also hes destined to lose his stack at this table most likely, so I might as well be the one to take it. So I call and shount "one time baby!!" at my monitor
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