Thread: House - Nov 27
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:05 PM
shane88888 shane88888 is offline
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Default Re: House - Nov 27

I'm really impressed by the acting this season.

Laurie is always fantastic (the look he gives Cuddy at the end of this last episode after she figures out his little plan is priceless). Chase is actually really amusing and likable in his new, diminished role, as is Cameron. Wilson has really grown into his role and is a fantastic comic foil. Pretty much all the potential fellows were very good, particularly the old guy and #13 (the hot one). However, I like Kal Penn and would understand anyone who disagrees.

I can't tell if Lisa Edelstein is any good, since I find Cuddy disturbingly sexy and am hopelessly biased. We'll willfully omit Omar Epps from the acting praise.

Amber was hardly an interesting character (at least not by House standards). I didn't dislike the character becasue she was annoying; it was because she was predictable. Annoying characters can be interesting. See: Soprano, Livia. Amber was not.

There was no way #13 and Kumar were off the show. I didn't think they'd necessarily keep Taub. There's always work for the scumbag lawyer guy (so he wasn't obviously committed), but I'm actually glad they kept him around. An older member on the team could let the writers go in some interesting directions.

I had my doubts about the writers pulling off the competition angle, since the Vogler plot line was so tedious and the bitter cop plot line was so forced. However, I thought this first half of the season was exceptional. Best written thing on network TV, and, if not for 30 Rock, the funniest thing on network TV.
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