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Old 11-30-2007, 12:41 PM
JammyDodga JammyDodga is offline
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Default Re: Camping/Trekking food

Correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't there towns along the way on that walk? I'd try and buy some of your food en-route if so.

If you have to carry the whole lot, I'd suggest lots of rice, oil, suger and maybe some protien powder. These will give you some of the best calories to weight ratio. i reckon you want at least 4000 calories a day, if not more, depending on your weight.

Some lentils, mash potato powder or cous-cous would be goood as a change from the rice, and you could take flour and make damper if you were feeling traditional.

Some sort of sports drink powder would be useful for hydration and suger/salt.

Other cheap options are instant noodles. I'd go for the chinese/asian style ones in cups if possible, as they are pretty tasty and include slightly more vegietables.

Beef jerky is good, but make sure you have lots of water to wash it down with, I'd avoid it whilst walking unless you have easily accessable water supplies.

I'd take a few tins of meat as well, although its heavy, it makes a nice change to dried crap.

In general, I'd plan out your menu day by day, ensuring that you get all the calories you need each day, and also ensure that you would be happy living off it. Don't underestimate how sick you will get of plain rice after days of hard work followed by the same old stuff. Make sure that you will enjoy every meal, as you will be looking forward to it all day.

Also, make sure you carry enough water. I always did my walking up in the NT so I might be too cautious, but I always carried at least 3 litres of water for a morning walk, and 5 if I was going all day without any fresh source.
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