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Old 11-30-2007, 12:33 PM
mntbikr15 mntbikr15 is offline
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Default Re: Dog Advice Needed

The only time our Husky tears up anything other then an odd piece of paper is when he needs to poop. Hes eaten holes in the wall, chewed a windowsill off, and shredded carpet all cause he needed to [censored].

Also your dog isnt getting enough exersise. "walks" dont cut it. Dogs need to run. If you dont jog or your wife doenst jog then its totally negligent, since you have no yard for the dog to run in, to not hire someone to run the dog at least a few times a week. You can find these people on craigslist among other places.

Does your wife feed her before she leaves? Does she take her out for more then 2 seconds?
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