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Old 11-30-2007, 10:17 AM
sonneti sonneti is offline
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Default Re: NLTRN: Raising range vs. pre-flop limpers

Hmm been trying to explain what I usually do here but it depends on so many factors so I'll try to keep it short.

Normally I'll let them limp for the first 10-15 hands or so I can get some idea of how they will play when they hit or miss. I don't want to run over villan when the chips aren't worth anywhere near as much as late game. I also don't want him to stop limping and start becoming more aggressive.

Against the never folders we should just raise when we have a decent hand, generally I will raise JT, Q7s+, Q9+, any pair & A6+.

On the later streets if villan is tight & folding to c-bets then I will c-bet him to death every hand... if he's aggressive I'll try and trap him more with my made hands.
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