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Old 11-30-2007, 08:48 AM
DeadMoneyDad DeadMoneyDad is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Default Re: PPA should fire Annie Duke

I feel the need to clarify and defend Annie from this unwarranted attack. First, let’s be clear, Annie Duke is not a paid employee of the PPA, nor did she receive any compensation for testifying before the House Judiciary Committee. She did it because she loves the game, she is well versed on the issues facing poker today (UIGEA, WTO, personal freedom, etc.) and most importantly she so impressed Chairman Conyers during her visit with him during the October PPA Fly-In that he personally requested her testimony at the hearing! The PPA was proud to have her represent our organization and the poker playing community at-large.

Needless to say she did an outstanding job. Several members of Congress (who currently serve on the Committee), former members of Congress (who are part of the PPA lobbying team), Congressional staff and representatives from the banking industry to the gaming industry personally sought me out to say how excellent Annie performed.

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The key point: "Chairman Conyers... ...personally requested her testimony at the hearing"

Her testimony stands on its own merits.

To call her "breach of etiquette" cheating is way too harsh.

Given all of the other problems and other recent scandals, her advice on tourney strategy was correct and pretty basic, she wasn't playing any hands for anyone. This doesn't come any where near cheating IMO.

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