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Old 11-30-2007, 08:31 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: Should the PPA accept membership/backing from bot providers/users?


What the hell are you talking about? 2+2 let that person post and have an account here for months against the vocal objections of a lot of people, including me. He was even allowed to LINK to his site and advertise his world championship, which was little more than bot spam. He also initiated and participated in bot discussions on this forum.

It's a little hypocritical to go after the PPA when the same guy made a mockery of these forums and got a ton of free advertising.

I agree that everyone involved in online poker should distance themselves from this weirdo, including the PPA, but your childish criticism of the PPA for having this guy on their forums is just more of the same pettiness that doesn't help anyone.

Grow up man.